North East is a borough in Erie County, PA. While the county is in the northwest part of the state, the borough is in the county’s northeastern corner. The North East Borough Sewer Authority maintains approximately 20 miles of sanitary sewer and two activated sludge treatment plants. The wastewater treatment plant previously discharged to a small stream resulting in very stringent effluent limitations, some lower than drinking water standards.
GPI’s design significantly increased or eliminated these tertiary effluent limits, thereby conveying treated effluent to nearby Lake Erie. The Lake Erie effluent limits reduced operating costs, eliminated chemical additives, thereby minimizing risk of spills, and reducing safety concerns, and reduced the probability of effluent violations. The effluent pump station has a design capacity of 3,500 GPM and the 6,500 feet of 18” forcemain pipe was installed via horizontal directional drilling, including 2,800 feet of pipe into Lake Erie to the discharge location.
Project Highlights
Owner/ClientNorth East Borough Sewer Authority
LocationErie County, PA
ServicesWastewater Treatment Design

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