The Canonsburg-Houston Joint Authority (CHJA) was formed in 1960 with the mission to acquire, construct, maintain, and operate a system of sewers and a sewage treatment plant to serve the adjacent boroughs of Canonsburg and Houston in Washington County, PA, surrounding areas, and a nearby state facility.
CHJA and GPI have a long-standing relationship. Together with their stakeholders, they developed a Master Plan in response to a Consent Order and Decree and a Corrective Action Plan issued by the Pennsylvania DEP after several sanitary sewer overflows were discovered and the insufficient treatment plant capacity to accommodate projected population growth. The upgrades to the interceptor lines, pump stations, and wastewater treatment plant were phased to allow for the current issues to be solved, to see the effects from inflow and infiltration removal projects and increase capacity as the additional population growth was realized. Over a 15-year period, construction occurred in stages, the CHJA’s customer base doubled, and plant capacity was increased from 4 to 8.4 million gallons per day.
GPI recently completed Phase II, involving the construction of a new biotower pump station, clarifier pump station, two 130-foot diameter secondary clarifiers, a UV disinfection system, and related electrical work. A SCADA system was installed for monitoring and control, ensuring seamless plant operation with increased and decreased flows. GPI managed the integration of the Phase I and Phase II controls to allow for seamless operation of the plant as the flows increase and decrease. Standby generators were also added as part of this project.
Project Highlights
Owner/ClientCanonsburg-Houston Joint Authority
LocationWashington County, PA
ServicesWastewater Treatment Design

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