The Ballantyne Reimagined Corporate Park project is a 455-acre urban redevelopment project in Charlotte, NC, designed to transform the car-centric corporate park into a people-focused, walkable mixed-use housing and corporate community, following the trend of urban developments where people can live within walking distance of where they work.
A primary focus of this project is the unique 8-acre stream park, which links the surrounding trail network, natural stream, green lawns, and amphitheater.
The stream restoration project aimed to improve the stream ecology and improve the resilience of the Lower Avenue Bridge Crossing. The 700-linear-feet design restoration included channel realignment and floodplain connection to create an equilibrium meandering, riffle-pool stream. The design had wood toe revetments and boulder and log structures to prevent erosion, manage hydraulic energy, and enhance the aquatic habitat.
GPI was tasked with restoring an additional tributary to McAlpine Creek Tributary 1, which flows with Phase 1B of the planned community. Before the project, the stream suffered from extensive stream bank failures, failed rip-rap repairs, failing stacked stone walls, and vertical drops within the profile over 3 feet. This degradation of the natural stream resulted in poor aquatic and riparian habitats; also, the stream was significantly disconnected from the floodplain, resulting in a very confined channel. GPI worked with our partners along with the City of Charlotte and other regulatory agencies to ensure all requirements for the infrastructures, existing and proposed, were met.
Project Highlights
Owner/ClientCity of Charlotte
LocationCharlotte, NC
ServicesStream Restoration